Timeline: August, 2020 - July, 2023

Project Goal: Improve effectiveness of conservation management of the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park and World Heritage.

Sire Funding Support: BIOPAMA Initiative, NRCA/NEPA, Franklinia Foundtation, American Birds Conservancy, Jamaica Conservation Partners.

Technical Support: IUCN

Scope: Whilst the project will be National Park-wide there will be a focus on key areas including; the most encroached boundary from Cinchona - Abbey Green, adreas with high levels of illegal harvesting of wildlife and out Maroon communities.

Enchanced Monitoring and Evaluation and Communications

Blue & John Crow Mountains

Blue & John Crow Mountains

  • On-going audio-vidual monitoring includive community perspective.

  • Increased use of technology and improved data collection and analysis.

  • Use of project content to raise awarenedd and interest and support at all levels.

Decreased Encroachment

  • Boundary Marking (ribbon of trees, firebreak & signs) between Cinchona and Abbey Green on the southern slopes of the National Park started with funds from the Jamaica Conservation Partners and the Neotropical Migratory Birds Conservation Act Fund through the American Birds Conservancy.

    The will clarify the National Park's undulating boundary for enforcement officers and local community members.

  • Enhanced Patrols using technology to improve monitoring of the National Park's boundary and interior and protect the World Heritage Site and its closed broadleaf cloud forest. The purchase of new vehicles, equiptment and gear will also help improve effectiveness.

  • Addressing Land Tenure, fire and land management issues in the Cinchona to Abbey Green area.

Improved Community Awareness and Sustainable Liveihoods

  • Increased Community Outreach using social marketing tools and increased interaction with community members

  • Training and Technical Assistance including involvement of more community members in the work of the National Park.

Forest Restoration

  • Propagation of native and threatened forest trees with major support from the Franklinia Foundation over the same three-year period.

  • Restoration of 20 hectares (50 acres) of native forest - with support from the Neotropical Migratory Birds Conservation Act Fund through the American Birds Conservancy, the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica Special Climate Change Adaptation Fund and the One Tree Planted Foundation. More help will be needed.

JCDT | Protecting & Preserving Our Future

The JCDT appreciates the involvement and support of our Partners, Donors, and Sponsors
  • NEPA
  • Forestry Department
  • Jamaica National Heritage Trust
  • Environmental Foundation of Jamaica
  • Forest Conservation Trust
  • Pear Tree Press
  • Jamaica energy Partners