To raise public support for conservation of the BJCMNP’s natural and cultural heritage and improve resource management and the sustainability of livelihoods, particularly in Buffer Zone communities.
Strategic Approach:
Education is geared at empowering and mobilising individuals and communities to participate in environmental management and sustainable livelihoods. The National Park’s Education Programme is aimed at increasing public involvement by targeting:
- Buffer zone communities:
- working with existing CBOs for environmental action
- students and teachers
- community members generally & youth in particular.
- The general public through public awareness programmes, using the media.
- Visitors to the park’s recreation areas through Interpretive Programmes.
Key Activities
- Facilitate capacity building including training, working through existing community-based organizations, in order to promote sustainable livelihoods and environmental management.
- Public and community awareness raising programmes, using a variety of media to reach different target groups.
- Implement interpretive programme at Holywell and the National Park’s other recreation areas.
- Implement buffer zone community school programme to engage successive generations in caring for natural resources.
Monitoring: Using questionnaires and photo-monitoring e.g. of community projects.
Budget: 2017/18
Recurrent: J$4.6 million (US$35,538)
Capital: JA$18.6 million (US$143,077)
10 Year Budget: (2017 - 2027)
Recurrent: JA$88.4 million (US$650,394)
Capital: J$195 million (US$1.4 million)